IRiSS is now accepting applications for our next cohort of Predoctoral Researchers

America Votes 2024

Follow the link below for video recordings of our co-sponsored series of panel discussions.

ANES wins 2024 Past Policy Impact Award

The American Association for Public Opinion Research recognizes the American National Election Studies, the longest-running, most widely cited time series of voting behavior data in the world.

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For the 2021–22 academic year, Stanford researchers have recognized four outstanding Interns of the Year from three participating community colleges. Stanford and IRiSS are grateful to everyone who contributed to last year's research.
The National Science Foundation awarded $14 million to a multi-university team including Stanford, the University of Michigan, Duke, and the University of Texas at Austin to continue advancing the work of the
Congratulations to IRiSS's ninth cohort of Dissertation Fellows! Follow the links below to learn more about each Fellow's research.  

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Growing access to novel data sources, the development of powerful computing tools, and innovation in quantitative and qualitative research methods are opening a new frontier for social scientists to explore bold, inventive research questions.  In this burgeoning era for social science research, the Stanford Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (IRiSS) facilitates first-rate interdisciplinary research, trains the next generation of scholars, and incubates research projects to address critical societal challenges. IRiSS ensures that world-class, evidence-based research is produced to meet evolving problems in areas of governance and democracy, economic inequality, immigration policy, and other social issues that affect communities across the globe.

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