Secure Data Center
The IRiSS Secure Data Center (SDC) supports a number of targeted research environments and resources to provide access to sensitive and secure data. If you are interested in using the Secure Data Center, contact us at IRiSS-info [at] (subject: Secure%20Data%20Center%20Inquiry) (IRiSS-info[at]stanford[dot]edu).
Matt Snipp directs the IRiSS Secure Data Center.
Add Health
The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (also known as Add Health) is a nationally representative study designed to examine how social contexts (such as families, friends, peers, schools, neighborhoods, and communities) influence teens' health and risk behaviors through early adulthood.
Secure Research Facilities
The SDC provides secure research facilities for a limited number of individual faculty and graduate student projects that need dedicated, secure space.
Other Stanford Security Resources
Many other secure data resources are available at Stanford.