Past Survey Lab Students
Click on individual profiles to read more about their Survey Lab projects.

White Out: Using Surveys To Study White Nationalism, Identity, and Erasure

Elite Cues and Intraparty Conflict

Ideal Remote Workers: Exploring Gendered Implications of the Rise of Remote Work

A Conjoint Analysis of Perceptions of "Family" in the U.S.

Forward Basing, Tripwires, Surprise Attack, and Domestic Audience Costs

Threat Perception in the U.S.–China Great Power Competition

When Crossing the Aisle Gets You in Trouble: Interpersonal Consequences of Receptiveness to Opposing Views

Natural-Is-Better Beliefs across Multiple Contexts

U.S. Military Leaders and the Politics of War Termination

Examining the Impact of Racial Justice Policy Messaging on Support from the White Left

Ideal Remote Workers: Exploring Gendered Implications of the Rise of Remote Work

Soft on Defense: How American Make Judgments on Candidate Hawkishness

Inference under Selection: An Application to Social Media and Partisan Polarization

The Effects of Perspective-Taking on Attitudes towards Undocumented Immigrants and Access to Healthcare

An Empirical Study about the Potential Stickiness of Default Search Engines

Ideal Remote Workers: Exploring Gendered Implications of the Rise of Remote Work

Level of Office and Candidate Attributes

Presidential Influence on Democratic Norms

Equity Compensation at Privately Held Firms: Assessing Employees' Fallacies and Preferences

Popularity, Preferences, and the Problem of Competing Rankings

Confronting the "Electability Trap:" Effects of Campaign Messages, Information, and Perceived Competence on Voter Evaluations of Underrepresented Candidates

Pluralistic Ignorance and Men's Aspirations for Communal Traits

Exploring Public Support for the FDA's Blood Ban: The Effect of PrEP and of the Recognition of Gay Families

Perceptions of Sexual Harassment in a Post-#MeToo World

Status Quo Bias and Perceptions of Freedom

Shifting Support: Changes in Support for Women in Politics Based on Political Ideology

Understanding Changing Perceptions of College Value

All's Well That Ends Well? Policy Choice and Incumbent Approval

Backlash or Encouragement? The Effect of Messaging That Is Critical of Whites on Democratic Voters

Mid-Career Internships and Labor Market Re-Entry Outcomes for Opt-Out Workers

The U.S. Military, Partisan Backing, or Partisan Backlashing?

Military Influence on Public Opinion: Sage Counsel or Political Problem?

The Enabling Mother? Examining Gender Bias in Attributions of Blame, Stigma, and Perceived Harm towards Parents of Opioid Users

Emma Tsurkov (Sociology)
The Cost and Impact of Sexual Harassment in the Workforce

Party Cues, Polarization or Something Else? How People Form Perceptions of Public Opinion on Climate Change

Freedom of Speech on Campus

Alliance Resilience: Evidence on China, the U.S., and Two Koreas

Attitudes on Public Education and School Choice

The Fear of Disability Con: Public Suspicion of Abuse of Disability Rights

The Role of Choice and Personal Responsibility Beliefs in American Attitudes towards a Soda Tax

Can Experts Correct Misperceptions in Public Policy?

Economic Anxiety and Support for the Far Right

Perceptions of College Value in an Era of Growing Female Advantage

Category-Spanning Protest: Participation and Public Opinion

Secrecy and Covert Action in U.S. Foreign Policymaking

How Gender Identity Shapes Preferences for Environmental and Health Behaviors

Where Are the Men in Childcare? Gender Essentialism, Care Work, and the Stalled Gender Revolution

Causes and Consequences of News Media Reputations

Influencing Public Opinion on Intervention: Public Appeals by the Military

The Politics of Private Contributions to Public Goods

Security or Democracy? U.S. Public Opinion and Support for Autocrats Abroad

International Organizations and Mobilizing Support for Humanitarian Intervention

Norms, Latinos, and Political Attitudes in the United States

Poverty and Inequality in American Public Opinion

Sanctions as Off-Ramps: Do Economic Sanctions Provide Leaders a Cheap Way out of Military Threats?

Class Bias and Perceived Consensus in Moral Evaluations, or, When Does It Pay To Be Rich?

One of Us? Race, Immigration, and the Construction of Social Boundaries

Funding Education: Trading Income for Achievement Gap Closure

Perspective-Taking, Empathy, and the Morality of Killing in War

Does Data Visualization Influence the Effects of Polls on Political Attitudes?

Mechanisms Explaining Perceptions toward Individuals with Intermittent Labor Force Participation

Conditional Priming Effects in Interest Group Rhetoric

Social Norms and Variations in Political Engagement

Do Promises Attract or Repel Voters?

Teachers Change Lives, Can They Change Public Opinion?

Institutional Domains and Public Support of Civic Organizations

Perceptions of Welfare Dependency and Support for Immigration

Motivated Reasoning and Public Distrust of Polls

'The Facts Speak for Themselves': Impact of Legal Institutions on Public Perception of Contested Facts during Armed Conflicts

Understanding Racial Prejudice in an Age of Immigration

Experiments about Economic Voting

Intermittent Labor Force Participation: A Source of Discrimination?

Public Opinion on Executive Pay in the United States: Can Extraordinary Merit Justify Extremely High Pay?

Latinos in America: Immigrant Political Behavior Beyond SES

American Norms and Political Public Opinion

Muslim-American Integration, Alienation and Government Relations in the Post-9/11 Environment

Preferences for Preschool: The Universal / Targeted Debates in Public Opinion

Race, Gender, and American Voter Behavior

Gender Identity Maintenance and Health Disparities between Men and Women

Fighting Poverty at Home and Abroad: Explaining Attitudes Towards Redistribution

Segregations in Micro-Interactions

Governed by Choice: How School Choosers and the Public Assess School Quality and Respond to Information

The Effects of News Media Representations of Public Opinion on (Future) Public Opinion

The Morality of Status

The Impact of Partisan Identity Salience on Self-Reported Political Behaviors

Who Represents the Labor Movement? Implications of Demographic Change On Public Support and Institutional Power of Labor in American Politics