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Computational Text Analysis in the Social Sciences

Computational Text Analysis in the Social Sciences (CTASS) was an IRiSS-sponsored interdisciplinary student group that aimed to create a space for students to learn what other students and faculty members were working on, improve our methodological and computational skills, and collaborate with one another. We maintained several channels of communication, a repository of text analysis resources, and held a bi-weekly workshop.

The group had representatives from Education, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology.


There were three primary channels through which our group communicates.

  • For updates about upcoming events, please join the official mailing list at mailmanctass-group [at] (ctass-group[at]lists[dot]stanford[dot]edu)
  • For conversations about text analysis methods, new datasets or papers, and classes at Stanford, please join the Slack channel.
  • For questions for the group organizers, please send an email to the official account:  ctass.stanford [at] (subject: CTASS%20Inquiry) (ctass[dot]stanford[at]gmail[dot]com)

Workshop Schedule

CTASS held bi-weekly meetings to feature cutting-edge research using computational text analysis methods. We invited current students, outside speakers, faculty members, and post-docs to discuss their research with our group, focusing on how they were able to use methods to answer their research questions.


We maintained a list of resources, including helpful tutorials, publicly available datasets, and classes at Stanford. Please see the  CTASS Google Sheet.