High-Performance Computing
What is high-performance computing?
Are your models taking a couple days to run? Are the data you're employing in your research too large to manage on your own lab equipment? Your work might benefit from the large-scale compute clusters available through University IT's Research Computing group.
Not sure where to begin?
To learn more about these services and how they can be employed for social science research, you can contactiriss-info [at] stanford.edu (subject: High%20Performance%20Computing%20Inquiry) ( IRiSS-info[at]stanford[dot]edu).
High Performance Computing at Stanford
ITS has created a tiered system of shared compute environments, known collectively as FarmShare, for use by Stanford-affiliated researchers. The primary HPC clusters are FarmShare and Sherlock.
FarmShare is available to all SUNet ID holders and is intended for students to be able to test and refine models without the large expenditures involved with HPC computing in the cloud. More information is available at the FarmShare wiki.
Sherlock is reserved for faculty-sponsored projects and therefore is a more limited resource. Sherlock servers have two high-RAM nodes as well as GPU clusters which can be very useful to R and other statistics users. More information is available at the Sherlock wiki.
More information
Additional information about these environments, technical specifications, how to connect to and use them, and more can be found at Stanford University IT services.