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REP: Community College Student FAQ

Below is a list of questions frequently asked by students.  Please also see the FAQ menu on the REP scheduler site. If your question is not answered in the FAQ, please contact the REP administration at research-exp-program [at] (research-exp-program[at]stanford[dot]edu).

How do I change my login password?
In the online scheduler:

1)    Click on “My Profile.”
2)    Type in your current password. 
3)    Type in your new password. 
4)    Re-type in your new password.
5)    Click on “Update.”

How do I change the email address used for notification?
In the online scheduler:

1)    Click on “My Profile.”
2)    Type in your new email address. 
3)    Re-type in your email address. 
4)    Click on “Update.”

How do I change my REP courses?
In the online scheduler:

1)    Click on “My Profile.”
2)    Click on “Change Courses.”
3)    Clicking on the REP course(s)  from the left hand "available courses" box will move them to the right hand box, showing you have selected them.

4)    Clicking on a course in the right hand "selected courses" box will remove it from your account.
5)    When you have the course(s) you are enrolled in only in the right hand "selected courses" box, click on “Save Changes.”

I just took a study, but I have not yet received credit for my participation.  What do I do?
Crediting for study participation is not always automatic.  Crediting may be performed manually by the researchers after they have confirmed you have taken the study.

As a rule of thumb, studies will be credited within 3 days after the study timeslot deadline, unless another schedule is listed on the study description. If 3 days have passed and you have still not received credit, contact the REP Administration. 

I’m enrolled in more than one REP class, or I’ve participated in the REP before, or I don’t see any studies listed for me to take.  What do I do if there aren’t enough studies for me to finish credit?
There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to complete your study credits.  Within the first half of the term, frequently check to see what is available for you to take.  Add up the credits available to you. If they don’t add up to the minimum, contact the REP Administration right away. When you email, please attach a screenshot of what you see under "studies."

If you are under the age of 18, if you have participated in the REP previously, or if you are enrolled in more than one REP course, contact the REP administration immediately upon signup.

We can help people who contact us in a timely manner, to help find studies or alternatives for participation.  We are often unable to help people who start late.  Near the end of the term, research studies’ timeslots fill up as everyone tries to finish up their credits. The REP cannot guarantee that there will be time slots available for students who start taking studies late.   

I’ve participated in the REP before and I am having problems logging in. 
Contact the REP Administration immediately so we can re-activate your old account.  Your old account was de-activated, but can be re-opened.  Do NOT create a new login.  Duplicate accounts are not allowed in the REP.

May I participate in the same experiment more than once?
You may not participate in the same experiment again once you have completed a study.  You can only take an experiment once.

What do I do if a researcher doesn't show up?
If a REP researcher does not arrive within 5 minutes of your appointment starting time, please contact the researcher using the small envelope icon or phone number on the study description.

If your researcher is more than 10 minutes late, IMMEDIATELY email the REP administration at research-exp-program [at] (research-exp-program[at]stanford[dot]edu).  Please tell us your name, your REP ID code, the experiment you intended to take, the name of your study’s researcher, and your appointment time and location. 

If the study’s researcher does not show up for an appointment, and did not contact you 24 hours in advance to notify you of your appointment’s cancelation, you will still receive credit for the experiment. 

Can I refuse to continue participation in a study?
All participation in research is voluntary. Students may withdraw from any experiment at any time for any reason. If you feel uncomfortable about a study’s procedures or a researcher’s treatment of you, please feel free to exercise the right to terminate your participation. Please notify the REP administration that you chose to withdraw, so that you do not get an unexcused no-show for that study.