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CSS Certificate Requirements
Students must complete each of the following to obtain a CSS Certificate. Courses must be taken for a letter grade.
1. Computer science proficiency:
- CS 106A-B (or demonstrated equivalent proficiency)
2. Introduction to computational social science (pick one course):
- MS&E 231: Introduction to Computational Social Science
- COMM 382: Big Data and Causal Inference
3. Network Science (pick 1 course):
- SOC 369/EDUC 316: Social Network Methods
- CS 224W: Social and Information Network Analysis
- ECON 291: Social and Economic Networks
- OB 622: Topics in Social Networks Analysis: Structure and Dynamics
4. Natural Language Processing (pick 1 course):
- LINGUIST 278: Programming for Linguists
- CS 124/LINGUIST 180/280: From Languages to Information
- CS 224N/LINGUIST 284: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
- CS 224S: Spoken Language Processing
- LINGUIST 281: Computational Models of Linguistic Formalism
- POLISCI 452: Text as Data
5. Additional Courses/Training (recommended but optional):
- CS 448B: Data Visualization
- CS 246: Mining Massive Data Sets
- CSS summer workshop
6. Interdisciplinary project
Students must conduct one directed research course that involves faculty from both computer science and a social science department. The course would require the student to meet with these faculty to develop a computational social science project that can be submitted either to a conference proceeding or a journal.