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On November 5th, before several states released their final vote tallies and either candidate had obtained the 270 electoral votes needed to win the U.S. presidential election, experts Nathaniel Persily, Hakeem Jefferson, Didi Kuo, and Bruce Cain…

2019-2020 SCAD Graduate Fellow Luca Braghieri shares insights from his SCAD-sponsored research.

A few months ago, a host of prominent writers and academics - including David Brooks, Noam Chomsky, Nicholas Christakis, Francis…

IRiSS is delighted to announce the newest member of the Advisory Board: Jeanette Garretty Reinhard. 

Jeanette is Chief Economist & Managing Director at Robertson Stephens Wealth Management, headquartered in San Francisco. Prior to…

Data science is a large and expanding field, and the issues it confronts vary greatly with each domain of application. To understand issues within each applied domain, one cannot simply read a book on education theory to comprehend it. Therefore…

For social scientists and public health researchers studying the impact of COVID-19 in the U.S., the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and the Census Bureau have released important data resources.

NCHS - The NCHS has put together a…