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Kenneth Prewitt

Carnegie Professor at Columbia University

Kenneth Prewitt is the Carnegie Professor and Director of the Future of Scholarly Knowledge Project at Columbia University. He obtained his PhD at Stanford and taught political science at the University of Chicago from 1965 to 1982, and for shorter stints was on the faculty of Stanford University, Washington University, the University of Nairobi, Makerere University, and the Graduate Faculty at the New School University, where he was also Dean.

Other positions of his include: Director of the U.S. Census Bureau, President of the Social Science Research Council, Senior Vice President of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Director of the National Opinion Research Center, as well as serving on numerous boards of social science organizations. He has authored or co-authored a dozen books and more than 100 articles and book chapters. His current focus is retrofitting social science for the practical and moral challenges that 21st-century technological changes present.