Julia Melin

Reducing Racialized Gender Disparities Through the Online Career Training Process: Testing a Group-Based Intervention
2021 Dissertation Fellowship
The Help-Seeking Paradox: Gender and the Effects of Career Assistance in the US Labor Market Re-entry Process
2021 American Democracy Fellowship
Peer Networks and Homophily in the Online Career Certification Process: An Online Field Experiment
2020 Research Data Grant
Mid-career Internships and Labor Market Re-entry Outcomes for Opt Out Workers
2018–19 Survey Lab Project
Research has shown that mothers and fathers who temporarily “opt out” of the workforce for care-giving face penalties when they seek to return. Mid-career internships, or “returnships”, have recently emerged to address this form of discrimination by encouraging employers across the private sector to hire opt out professionals through trial employment programs. However, it remains unclear how these programs translate to employers in the broader labor market if the returnship experience does not convert into full-time employment. Thus, my project examines the short- and long-term career consequences of participating in a returnship program, and whether receiving this form of re-entry assistance differentially shapes the evaluations of opt out mothers and fathers re-entering the workforce. Data from this series or original survey experiments will shed light on the gendered implications of receiving career re-entry assistance, and provide valuable research evidence for organizational policies and programs designed to attract and reabsorb workers back into the labor market.