Craig Falkenhagen
Craig Falkenhagen has served as National Chair of the Stanford Fund, Chair of the Alumni Committee on Trustee Nominations, co-Chair for a number of his class reunion homecoming campaigns, and has worked in various capacities in every Stanford capital campaign since 1980. In 2007, he was awarded the Stanford Medal for his volunteer service to Stanford. Since 2000, Craig has worked as a volunteer and led numerous local community organizations including two public school foundations, a number of youth sports programs, and a local Boy Scout troop. From 1990 to 2000, he worked in Bank of America’s project finance group in San Francisco where he helped finance power plants, refineries, telecommunications systems, and oil and gas projects throughout the developing world. He began his work career with Exxon in 1975. Various engineering, operations, and corporate planning assignments took him to the North Slope of Alaska, Santa Barbara Channel, West Texas, the Permian Basin, and ultimately to London for seven years of work on Exxon’s offshore projects in the U.K. North Sea. His personal interests include backpacking and mountaineering.