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Lunch & Learn: Accessing Government Data

Fri May 6th 2016, 12:00pm
Mendenhall B, McClatchy Hall (Bldg. 120)

Please click the link below to save your seat at THIS week’s IRiSS Lunch & Learn: “Accessing Government Data" with James R. Jacobs,  Kris Kasianovitz, Government Information Librarians; and Vijoy  Abraham, Academic Technology Specialist. Governments at all levels produce a wealth of data of interest to researchers across the academic disciplines. Come find out how to access government data for your research, including local, state, federal, and international data. We'll share where to find information about health and census statistics, labor and crime, economics and international finance, and how to access US Government microdata that is not publicly available, through the Federal Statistical Service's RDC (Research Data Center) located on campus.